Tuesday, March 22, 2005

I am famous!!!

OK on Saturday night I went out in Urubamba to a 'dicotech' called tequila's, I had been to this place once last year in May. So imagine my surprise when browsing the photos on the wall and I saw a picture of me! Yes me! It wasn't a very good photo, but it was definitely me. So if you know the 'discotech' I am talking about, and happened to have visited it some time in the past year, chances are you photo is still up on the wall. I wonder if I go back in another year will they still have a picture of me up...

Sunday, March 13, 2005

On the couch.

Originally uploaded by Jungle Zac.
Ah, this is the life. Check out the flag!

The Washing Machine!

Originally uploaded by Jungle Zac.
Ok, so it's bassicly a bucket with a plunger. But I made it!

On the couch again...

Originally uploaded by Jungle Zac.
Enjoying the new flat, watching some Los Magnificos.


Originally uploaded by Jungle Zac.
The Bimbo Truck! Guess what's inside? I've seen this thing in Buenos Aires and here in Cusco... Guess!

Los Magnificos!

Ah the joys of black and white television. Like any other jobless bum the world over I have been relaxing on the couch watching TV between bouts of job hunting. I have discovered a couple of really good shows, one of them "Los Magnificos" or in English, "The A Team". Great stuff, I haven' seen it in years, the fact that it is in black and white and dubbed into Spanish doesn't take away from the quality of the show at all... Another gem is "Prisionera", which I though was going to be the Australian show Prisoner dubbed into Spanish, but no. It's a Mexican soap, absolutely tragic, totally over the top, and if it wasn't in Spanish I be right into it. As it is with my limited Spanish skills, I have to make up the story line as I go along. And I must say I think I am doing a great job.

Ok now for some photos!

Friday, March 11, 2005

Tales of a Jobless Hobo

Ok, so I have finished the TEFL course and am now officially jobless. I’ve spent the past week desperately looking for work, and have a few promising leads, but no job yet. I’ll give myself another couple of weeks and if I still haven’t found work by then I will try making my own jewelry and selling it down in Gringo Ally with all the other gringo hippy drop outs... So I have hope yet.

Also I don’t really qualify as a hobo, as I found a home this week. I moved into my new apartment on Tuesday, I am living with a girl I met through the TEFL course. It’s working out great, we have an awesome place. It’s massive and comes completely furnished, it even has an ancient black and white TV. We are going shopping for a colour one on the weekend.

Being jobless has some advantages, I have heaps of spare time. Which I have been using productively, so far I have made a washing machine (more on that in a second) and went for a visit out to Zurite where I did the volunteer placement last year. Those of you who know Zurite will be shocked to hear Jasper got it on with Pequeña, the first puppy is about 4 months old and looks just like Chico did, the second is only days old and looks just like the mother... Such a tragedy, I expected better from Jasper... For those of you who have no idea what I am on about, I am talking about the dogs that live in the volunteer house in Zurite.

Ok on to the fun stuff, my washing machine. I got sick of paying 3.50 (soles not dollars) a kilo for my washing, so I decided I would do it myself. But rather than just grab a tub and scrub away, I thought I would make a washing machine. Basically it is just a bucket and a plunger, but I think it is pretty cool and it saves me the hassle of having to pay for my washing... Ok so I seriously need a job, I have reached the point where making a washing machine is fun... And it only took less than a week of no job and nothing else to do.

I’ve got a few photos which I am going to try and put up here.