Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I think I am having a meat stroke...


I went over the boarder to Mendoza, Argentina on the weekend. Yes Argentina, the land of Beef. Beef with a capital B for By golly it was good. Ok so maybe I am raving a little, but it is to be expected. I spent three days in Mendoza and ate over 2kg of steak. Seriously. I worked it out. The average steak was around the 500 gram mark. I had one on Friday night, another one and a half on Saturday night (I finished off someone else’s) and a pair on Sunday. All told that comes to about 2kg of steak. Then to put it up over the 2kg beyond doubt I went to a all you can eat joint on Saturday for lunch, and I had another bit of beef there. I weighed myself when I got back to Santiago and I think I am about 3kg heavier after the weekend. Not bad eh? I am impressed, by the Sunday I was just ordering the steak with out anything else, no need for distractions. I am pretty sure the only things I ate on Sunday were steak and bread.

What else... I saw Judas Priest play here last month! That was amazing, they were supported by Whitesnake, who were incredible as well. One of the best gigs I have ever seen. And Pearl Jam are coming down here in November, so I will go and check that out as well.
