Monday, August 15, 2005


I've been in Santiago for almost 2 weeks now, so I can now offer a more informed opinion on the place. The first week that I was down here on holidays, it was overcast and grey, I justed assumed it was a rainy week and thought nothing more of it. Well now that I have been here for a little longer, it's still grey. Turns out it wasn't really overcast, it was the smog. I can't tell the difference, I am living a world that is permantly gray, I don't recall the last time I saw the sun... I am staying in a hostel for the first month which is ok if you don't mind sharing a room with 5 other guys. Though to be fair there are only 3 of us there at the moment, and I haven't seen the other two in days. It is in a pretty cool area full of cafes and cool bars, only problem is I am on a tight budget until I get paid at the end of the month. So all the cool bars and cafes are wasted on me.

I have also become a convert to the way of the hotdog, or completos as they call them here - happy Orb? I know I said I wasn't going to try one, but I caved. I am still holding out on going to McDonalds, but only just. They are also mad about ice cream here, it's the middle of winter and everywhere I look there are people eating ice cream. There are almost more ice cream shops than hotdog joints, almost.

The other thing you will notice if you ever come down to Santiago is that people here love to get in on in public places. I can't step out side with out seeing at least one couple making out, and if you go down the plaza on the weekend, it's everywhere. They are mad for it.

Oh yeah, and somehow in a city of almost 6 million people I have managed to run into the one person who knows me as Doodle twice in two days. It's just not fair.
