Sunday, February 13, 2005

Water World

I got soaked today! The water festival is still going on, I am told today is the last day. I hope so. I went out to get some stuff for lunch, and thought I would be ok. But no. I got soaked by a bunch of girls on the way back. They lined up across the road informs of me and smiling sweetly told me to pass. Not cool. Then this afternoon as we were heading into the plaza, we got to the end of the street and got confronted by a mob of at least 20 odd people all with buckets and cans of spray foam. As soon as they saw us they all started cheering. We turned and went the other way. From what I can tell it seems to be localized around the street I live in. Other parts of Cusco seem to be acting normal, just not my street...

Other than that, it's raining again. Seems to rain every day, I guess that's why they call it the rainy season. The course is going well, learning a lot. Got an assignment due tomorrow, not liking that part all that much. Thought I was done with assignments and homework, well not yet it seems.
