I feel the sky tumblin down...
Well maybe not, but I felt the earth move. There was a minor tremor here on Monday, lasted all of 10 seconds and I am told registered about 2 on the scale. Nothing major, but it was enough to freak me out. The whole idea of living on the 24th floor no longer seems as appealing to me...
I am told they have tremors similar to this one at least every month or so, but this is the first one I have noticed.
In further news I am planning to head back to
Anyone want to join me ?
24 floors and tremors - not my cup of tea thank you!!. I'll stick to good ol' country Geelong for now.
Meat, meat, and more meat!! you'll be in heaven... but remember the meat-stroke you spoke of last time...
Have you got a new camera yet?
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